Before handing the car back, we make our way out to the uninhabited west side of the island.
There’s a whole lot of nothing out there. Just swamp, mangroves and a solitary track that we’re warned not to drive along.
It doesn’t look promising at first, but after walking for 20 minutes or so, we realise there’s more going on than immediately meets the eye. If we keep still, and concentrate on one patch of water, it isn’t long before a Mudskipper or two skates into view. These are fabulous creatures; half fish, half Ja Ja Binks, with eyes sitting on top of their heads like a couple of miniature ping pong balls. Very odd.
Wend then spots a black and white ringed Sea snake. It’s a beauty, probably only 2 feet in length, but packing enough venom to cut short anyone’s holiday.
We don’t bother having a paddle.
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