We’re up early to take the short ferry ride across to Magnetic Island. Only 20 minutes from the mainland, yet in terms of atmosphere and scenery, it seems a million miles away.
The place is just gorgeous. Barely 5 miles from tip to sun-drenched tip, it is crammed with secluded bays, dramatic walking tracks and a view around every corner.
The only slight drawback is the humidity, which is beginning to grind us down, especially at night when the breeze drops and the stickiness becomes unbearable.
With this in mind, I decide to lie to the manageress of our YHA. Insisting that I requested air-conditioned accommodation when making our online booking.
She’s full of apologies and upgrades us immediately at no extra cost. I feel a little guilty having nabbed one of the few cabins with A/C, especially when we overhear the rest of the guests moaning about their stifling, airless digs.
But not that guilty. The expression ‘shy kids get nowt’ springing to mind.
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