Friday, 5 December 2008

Day 34 - Hayman Island to Airlie Beach, Queensland

Our last morning on Hayman and my last entry for a while too.

Nothing much to report except another morning of extreme loafing before being dropped off at the marina for our boat ride back to the mainland.

We get chatting to the lovely Sam who has been working at the Spa for the day and she offers us a lift from the harbour back to the YHA. We also get chatting to a very nice chap called Kieran who has just performed a wedding ceremony at the resort. These crazy Aussies don't call Kieran a Registrar nope they call him a Celebrate - what the flip? Dave pointed out that it sounded like celibate and Kieran came right back with "Oh mate, try saying that you are authorised to solemnise the marriage when you've had a few jars". All this hilarity deflects our attention away from the camera which gets left behind on the boat - D'oh!

Yes Steve, another cry from Dave "Where is...?"

Many phone calls fail to locate the camera so no amusing pics to go with this entry I'm afraid, or of Sam who after checking into her hotel joins us for a fish and chip supper. She has threatened to come to London and we have of course have offered up The Nest so you'll probably meet her in due course anyway. (Note to self to start a booking diary for The Nest.)

Well that's it. Thanks for listening.

Dave over to you...

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