We wake up to the sun rising over Hong Kong harbour viewed through our enormous windows in our suite. Dave is feeling a bit better so after a quick browse through the South China Morning Post we're off to explore.
Turns out that Hong Kong has its very own Vicky Park where people are jogging, doing tai chi and playing with their motorised boats in the boating lake. There are also lots of Filipino ladies gathered together to enjoy one of their rare days off. They mostly work as maids and on public holidays get together to eat copious amounts of food as only someone from the Philippines can.
From the park we walk along the waterfront looking out to Kowloon, there's lots of boat traffic coming and going including the dinky little boats that some people still live on. No sign of any junks though. About an hour into our first foray and Dave takes a turn for the worse. He has a temperature that's almost hotter than the sun so we amble back and tuck him up in bed. It doesn't affect his vanity though so on our way back to the hotel he manages to fit in a much needed haircut.
I decide that I will go to the restaurant and have some "Christmas" lunch. I opt for the steamed seasonal vegetables in oyster sauce and rice with a glass of wine. Seasonal vegetables turns out to be steamed lettuce. The worst Christmas lunch I've ever had - fact.
I cheer myself up by popping up to the rooftop pool on the 32nd floor. Tom, if you're reading this stop right now. It really is on the roof with only a chest high glass wall to stop me falling 32 floors to the pavement. Why do you always get that urge to climb over and jump? More views and more pictures of skyscrapers are captured before returning to the ailing patient who seems to be getting worse.
The rest of the evening is spent listening to 5 live on the internet and calling home. Colin my brother brings me close to tears with talk of turkey, bread sauce and red cabbage, then mum compounds it by telling me about her slightly different recipe for Christmas pud this year -sniff. I settle on some Philadelphia cheese on a roll that I manage to track down in a supermarket round the corner.
Happy Christmas everyone.
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