The Hoadys’ big day finally arrives and after yesterday’s rain we’re relieved to wake to clear blue skies and a gentle breeze.
The setting for the ceremony is just perfect; an idyllic little park by the harbour’s edge right across from the opera house. Naturally, Caz looks absolutely stunning as she makes her entrance on Sashi’s arm. She seems remarkably cool and collected, unlike the groom, who starts blubbing like a big girl as soon as he sets eyes on her.
It’s an eclectic gathering, with many of Caz’s extended family having travelled from the Ukraine, the rabble from London are there and a few token Aussies have been invited to make up the numbers.
First surprise of the day (and there were many along the way) was that instead of piling into taxis or a minibus to make our way to the reception, we were led to a jetty and whisked across the harbour in a couple of motor launches – all very exciting and James Bond.
If anyone’s ever been to a wedding involving a jewish Australian Russian and a bloke from Peterborough, they’ll have a good idea of how things progressed from that point. The vodka, the heartfelt speeches (cue more tears from Hoady), more vodka, carrying the bride and groom across the dance floor on their wedding thrones, a bit more vodka, the first dance (Paul Weller), the second dance (Love is in the air), the third dance (the complete soundtrack to Fiddler on the roof), more vodka. Then home.
A wonderful day for a smashing couple. It was a real honour to be there to share it with them.
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