We tackle our first hike of the holiday today; a three hour trip out to Fluted Cape which brings us fantastic views and exposure to some very peculiar animals.
First up, this little half hedgehog, half porcupine thing ambles into view; Wend reckons it’s an echidna, and were lucky to see it as they’re normally nocturnal. He isn’t shy mind you, posing for a photo as he forages in the undergrowth with his long snout.
Next, a snake slithers out of the undergrowth, he’s out of sight before I can take a picture – and in this case, I’m not too fussed about missing out on a close up.
Wend then spots something white and furry in the bush; it’s one of the small wallabies native to the island. And he too doesn’t seem fussed as we sneak up for a snap. It has to be said, his camouflage is rubbish, I guess there’s nothing living over here that’ll eat him – other than humans of course, apparently the locals love a good wallaby burger.
Oddest creature was saved for last. Lurking under a rock by the shoreline we find the crab that time forgot; like one of the baddies in Star Wars, he has a face only a mother could love.
Later, we’re faced with a tricky dilemma. Do we risk driving along a beach to the best campsite on the island or do we play it safe. The sand looks firm enough, but our rental agreement warns us not to take the vans anywhere near the sea.
As we sit and ponder, an Aussie bloke pulls up in his big 4x4 Mazda and winds down his window.
“Hey guys, do you know where the cool camp site near the beach is?”
We point him in the right direction and watch enviously as he scoots across the sand – doubtless heading towards the best pitch on the site.
“Oh, bollocks to it, let’s give it a go” says Steve.
And we’re off. Re-enacting that scene form The Thomas Crown Affair, where Steve McQueen shows off to Faye Dunaway in his beach buggy..
Then Steve gets stuck (that’s Steve Lewis by the way, not McQueen). The tide’s on the way in and it looks like his van is on the way out. Luckily we’re not far from the camp though, and the Aussie with the 4x4 is able to drag us out.
So here’s to Mark from Melbourne and his magic Mazda. He saves us the effort of making a ridiculous excuse to the hire company and about £15,000 to replace the van.
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